Billiard Bot


  • BilliardBot is a pool-playing robot that uses computer vision for ball detection and navigation. when properly positioned, it strikes the cue ball with a solenoid powered kicker.

  • High level overview

  • OpenCV analyses overhead camera feed for tracking the ball and robot, as well as for calculating distances and trajectories on the pool table.
  • Software sends commands to ESP32 over Wi-Fi, directing robot to maneuver to set coordinates via omniwheels.
  • Upon reaching the target position and orientation, the robot charges and discharges its capacitors powering a solenoid to strike the cue ball along the intended path.
  • Highlights

    Work is still in progress, and I'll continue to update the page as I move forward. However, here are some highlights:

    Computer vision without the puncher

    Puncher test



    The omnidirectional wheel, as the name suggests, can move in any direction, at any angle, and in any direction. Therefore, compared to the traditional differential drive method, the omnidirectional wheel can complete the rotation while translating, more info

    We also decided after reading some papers comparing 3 based / 4 wheel based structres we decided on 3 wheels mainly due to costs


    Laser cut

    First look.



    We chose stepper motors over other types for their precision, prioritizing accuracy over speed or torque. Despite the manual cable connection required due to our use of an ESP32 instead of an Arduino Uno, the CNC shield facilitated wiring and enabled microstepping (increasing the resolution from 200 to 1600 steps per revolution), enhancing the robot's precision.

    Ball puncher

    Essentially, we utilize a voltage booster to elevate the voltage from 14V to 200V for charging the capacitors, and subsequently discharge the stored energy, leading to the impact on the ball.

    14V->200V votage booster

    2*1000uF 200V capacitors

    Thyristor BTW69-1200


    Customizing the force

    Increasing the voltage equates to increasing the power output. The concept is to create three distinct levels of power for the shots: a weak shot, a medium shot, and a strong shot. This is achieved by timing the charging process and interrupting the current flow to the capacitors when they reach a certain percentage of charge.

    Power distribution

    The full diagram includes components such as optocouplers, thyristors explained in detail in my CoilGun project a 4s LiPo battery, a buck converter for voltage stability, and a 7-segment voltage reader.

    Full circuit and integration

    I intend to make a more comprehensive circuit with a professional software later on

    Signals circuit

    High voltage caps + thyristor

    Puncher test

    First layer circuit

    Second layer circuit

    Circuit & PCB

  • We are still in the process of testing to ensure that our prototype functions correctly. Once we have successfully completed the testing phase, our next step will be to design the circuit on a PCB

  • Software

    You can find the source code here: GitHub


    The camera is positioned on top, and we use computer vision with OpenCV to handle ball detection, measurements, and path decisions. Afterward, Python sends a command to the ESP32 via WiFi to maneuver the robot to specific coordinates. Once it reaches the designated position and orientation, we charge the capacitors to 200V and then discharge them through the solenoid, resulting in striking the ball.

    Computer vision

    HSV Model
  • In computer vision, the HSV model is often preferred over RGB for color detection. HSV allows for easy selection of thresholds that work well under various lighting conditions, unlike RGB, which makes threshold variation challenging. In my project, I'm using HSV, and I'm also creating masks. First, I detect the table, and then I only consider objects within that boundary

  • Robot detection
  • Detect the boundary table (yellow counter)
  • Detect the robot within the table (pink counter)
  • We can use cv2.bitwise_and for such maskings
  • Robot orientation
  • Considers a black spot as the center of the robot
  • The Y-axis to be from the black spot to the red spot
  • The X-axis to be 90* to the right of the Y-axis

  • Calculating distances
  • At that point I simply used color detections to look for balls for a certain size
  • In OpenCV, images are considered as pixel grids. To measure distances and angles, I use a 2D distance formula and the cross product method, converting from pixels to centimeters based on the ball's size. All calculations are based on the robot being at the origin (0,0), with projections used to find X and Y coordinates.

  • detection & classification of balls

    We can only do much with computer vision even if we carefully tuned the paramters of cv2.HoughCirle ML required to detect the ball, we also have to classify them into 4 categories:

  • Cue ball: white one
  • black ball: 8 ball
  • solid balls: (our balls)
  • stripe balls: (opponent balls)
  • There is no need to get to detect the exact number or color of each ball our strategy is to consider all solid balls as valid target and opponent balls as no go

    Strategy to hit the ball (still working on it)
  • Strike position: Provided we know the position of the cue ball, the target ball, and the pocket, currently we are just calculating the distance from the center of the robot to the center of the ball (so it will hit the ball with the robot structure instead of the solenoid). Eventually, we have to calculate where the robot should go to strike the ball at the desired angle without colliding anything on its path.
  • Error mitigation: when dealing with big distances it is better to not send one big signle command, instead we devide it into smaller steps and recalculate after each step.

  • Physics calculations

    Robot mouvement

    Assuming we have to move from A to B and we have both their coordinates, the motors don't understand distances or angle to we have to do some calculations to give the robot number of steps and speed of motor

    We have two option:

    Polar coordinates

    First rotation then translation

    Carterian coordinates

    Vector addition to move from A->B without rotating

    Polar coordinates

    give the angle and the distance, we take raduis of the wheel.... to calculate the number of steps required for rotation for the angle and same thing for translation

    Carterian coordinates

    This one is harder as it involves vector addition, also required to move the wheels at diffrent speeds to finish at the same time we will lose the vector addition calculation so dependind on the distination if wheel X have 800 steps and wheel Y have 400 steps we will move wheel X at 2 of the speed of wheel Y in order to finish at the same time.

    A challenge arises when a small angle results in a disproportionate step count between wheels, such as wheel Y at 200 steps and wheel Z at 3000 steps. To synchronize their finish times, Z must rotate 15 times faster than Y. However, setting Y to an extremely slow speed leads to vibrations, as stepper motors struggle with very slow speeds, even with microstepping. Conversely, setting X to a moderate speed that avoids vibrations still poses a problem, as Z's required 15x faster rotation could destabilize the robot and cause missteps.

    Momentum Calculations

    We calculate the momentum to determine the required angle, position, and solenoid force for hitting the ball at the desired speed and angle. We also factor in the charging time of the capacitors. Our approach involves creating a line between the white and target balls, establishing a perimeter around the white ball (robot radius), using the intersection point as the target, and then approaching the ball and orienting the robot as necessary.


    ESP32 is a microcontroller that has both WIFI capabilities, we use it to control the motors and the solenoid, so we have it connect to WIFI (same as computer) then we had multiple routes

  • /control: Accepts 6 parameters to control the motors (StepsX, SpeedX, StepsY, SpeedY, StepsZ, SpeedZ)
  • /status: Check wether the robot is done mooving or no (returns True/False)
  • /stop: Stops the robot (emergency command)
  • /strike: Charges capacitors and discharges into the solenoid, with an adjustable charging time for customizable force.

  • /control

    The goal was being able to control individaully each wheel with a specefic revolution and speed and have them turn at the same time, doing so direclty is challanging because of the way stepper motor works with loops and delay, thankfully I found a library: AccelStepper that allows that without manually coding the millis and non-blocking functions

                                //ESP-32 CODE
    //setting up the server route
    server.on("/control", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
        String stepsX, speedX, stepsY, speedY, stepsZ, speedZ;
        if (request->hasParam("stepsX") && request->hasParam("speedX") &&
            request->hasParam("stepsY") && request->hasParam("speedY") &&
            request->hasParam("stepsZ") && request->hasParam("speedZ")) {
            stepsX = request->getParam("stepsX")->value();
            speedX = request->getParam("speedX")->value();
            stepsY = request->getParam("stepsY")->value();
            speedY = request->getParam("speedY")->value();
            stepsZ = request->getParam("stepsZ")->value();
            speedZ = request->getParam("speedZ")->value();
            controlSteppers(stepsX.toInt(), speedX.toFloat(), stepsY.toInt(), speedY.toFloat(), stepsZ.toInt(), speedZ.toFloat());
            request->send(200, "text/plain", "Motors commanded successfully");
        } else {
            request->send(400, "text/plain", "Invalid parameters");
    //function to control the motors
    void controlSteppers(int stepsX, float speedX, int stepsY, float speedY, int stepsZ, float speedZ) {
        digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW);
    //then we put it into loop
    void loop() {;;;
                                //Python CODE
    //#Send a command to the ESP32 to control motor movements.
    def send_command(stepsX, speedX, stepsY, speedY, stepsZ, speedZ):
    url = f"http://{esp32_ip}/control"
    params = {
        'stepsX': stepsX,
        'speedX': speedX,
        'stepsY': stepsY,
        'speedY': speedY,
        'stepsZ': stepsZ,
        'speedZ': speedZ
        response = requests.get(url, params=params)
    except requests.RequestException as e:
        print(f"Error sending request: {e}")
    //#Sample command
    stepsX = 1600  *3*0.2 
    speedX = 500   *2*v
    # B
    stepsY = -1600  *6*0.2
    speedY = 500   *4*v
    # A
    stepsZ = 1600  *3*0.2
    speedZ = 500   *2*v
    send_command(stepsX, speedX, stepsY, speedY, stepsZ, speedZ)
  • We can achieve both Polar and Cartesian, as we can control the speed and steps for the wheels independently for cartesian we only send one command, and polar we send two commands one for rotation seperated so it will exceute rotation then translation, and thats where the route ESP_ip_Address/status comes in handy.

  • /status

    Essentially we have a global variable movementComplete set to False and we set it to True once we finish the request, on python side we keep requesting /status till it returns True, only then we send the following send_command() to motors

                          //ESP-32 CODE
    //global variable
    bool movementComplete = false;
    //setting up the server route
    server.on("/status", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
        if (movementComplete) {
            request->send(200, "text/plain", "Movement complete");
            movementComplete = false; // Reset the flag
        } else {
            request->send(200, "text/plain", "Movement in progress");
    //make "movementComplete" true when the robot is done moving
    if (stepperX.distanceToGo() == 0 && stepperY.distanceToGo() == 0 && stepperZ.distanceToGo() == 0) {
        if (!motorsStopped) {
          digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
          Serial.println("Motors stopped");
          motorsStopped = true;
          movementComplete = true;
                                //Python CODE
    //#returns True if the motors stops
    def check_movement_complete():
        while True:
            response = requests.get(f"http://{esp32_ip}/status")
            if response.text == "Movement complete":
            time.sleep(0.5)  # Poll every half second    
    def execute_follow_up_command(translation_steps, motor_speed):
        # Wait for the first command to complete
        # Execute the second command
        send_command(translation_steps, motor_speed, 0, motor_speed, -translation_steps, motor_speed)
    //sample with polar coordinates
    if ball_measurements is not None:
        for center, radius, distance, angle, X_coordinate, Y_coordinate in ball_measurements:
            print(f"Distance = {distance:.1f} cm, Angle = {angle:.1f} degrees")
        rotation_steps = -calculate_rotation_steps(angle)
        translation_steps = calculate_translation_steps(distance/100)-100
        print(f"Rotation Steps: {rotation_steps}, Translation Steps: {translation_steps}")
        //translation command
        send_command(rotation_steps, MOTOR_SPEED, rotation_steps, MOTOR_SPEED, rotation_steps, MOTOR_SPEED)
        //rotation command
        threading.Thread(target=lambda: execute_follow_up_command(translation_steps, MOTOR_SPEED)).start()
  • So in this example, we first send the rotation command we wait till it finishes then we send translation
  • Im using a time.delay in python to keep requesting from the server periodically and time.delay is a blocking function Im using that with threading so the program and the UI won't freeze
  • This also helpful in error mitigation as I devide big dsitances into samller steps then we recalculate the dsitances to avoid error propogation

  • The other ones are more straight forward, for more info check my code on GitHub under firmware.

    Graphical User Interface

    the main purpose of the GUI is for testing, I used Tkinter with the help of CustomTkinter fora modern UI


    I got the idea while doing ball detection with six adjustable parameters. To avoid repeatedly running the program for each change, I built a UI, making the process much easier as I see the changes in real time.

    HSV-thresholds / autosave
  • As explained in the Compter Vision section Im using color thresholds, the issue is as I change the light condition some thresholds fails so having the option to change the thresholds and see the counter in real time really helped (PUT GIF HERE)
  • As I click close it automatically saves thresholds into a .txt file and upon launching the program again it reads and loads from that file

  • I added the robot's control section to perform basic movement commands and the firing sequence.

    Integration test & future improvements

    I will continue to update this section with additional content as it becomes available.

    Computer vision without the puncher

    Puncher test

    future improvements:

    Ball detection & classification

    Training an Machine learning model that accurately detects and classifies balls into four categories: black, cue, solid, and stripes

    Smart game strategy

    Compute all possibilities and determine which ball to hit in order to maximize the score in a row. After striking using physics, we aim for the ball to finish in a position that is favorable for the robot to score again or making it more challenging for the opponent.

    Make autonomous

    Play the game with less human intervention, i.e., knowing when it's not its turn, so it waits for the other player to strike.

    +1 (438) 878-0603

    Rachad El Moutaouaffiq